Every year, millions of refugees around the world leave their homes in hope of escaping tyranny, poverty and persecution. A small percentage are allowed permanent residence in a new country such as France, Canada or the United States. Some of them arrive in Seattle, Washington. Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) is one of the 14 organizations that through sponsorship, give newly arrived refugees a chance at a new life in the United States. The Diocese of Olympia's Refugee Resettlement Office, a local affiliate for EMM in Seattle, Washington, has assisted refuees from around the world since 1978. Our programs have welcomed over 15,000 newcomers to King County, Washington State and provided variety of services including food, shelter, orientation to Seattle, English tutoring, job placement, work-place training and financial literacy education. The Refugee Resettlement Office primarily serves Seattle but also serves low income refugees, immigrants and mainstream citizens in greater King, Pierce and Snohomish counties.
The Diocese of Olympia's Refugee Resettlement Office helps newcomers, citizens and the working poor achieve economic self-sufficiency. Our mission is accomplished through job placement activities and business development that promotes self-employment.
| There are six main sources of services available through the RRO:
1. Resettlement 2. Job Development 3. Jump Start (Micro-Enterprise Development) 4. Individual Development Accounts 5. Social Services 6. English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes
Watch Now: Episcopal Migration Ministries
Watch Now: A Future with Hope by Church World Service
Resettled refugees tell their stories--along with congregations and community members who welcomed them to the U.S. Excerpted from a longer (15:25) DVD available from Church World Service:
Support Your Local Community! Support Refugee Resettlement Office!
When you make a donation, you not only support our programs but also support the community of people who have escaped tyranny, persecution, and extreme poverty. You are helping people who have gone through tremendous ordeal that none of us would ever wish to experience.
To find out more about how you can become a supporter of one of our programs or how to sponsor our ESL students, please follow the link to our Donations website by clicking here.
Click on the logo to visit the Episcopal Migration Ministries, our local affiliate, website:
To visit the Diocese of Olympia Episcopal Church click on the image below:
We would like to thank all our last year patrons, whose contributions helped strengthen our programs and enabled us to provide more help to the Seattle area refugee community. Mr. & Mrs. Cochrane Robert Waldo Elen Henderson Tori Masterson Nicholas Bratton Jenna Rizzo A. Van Tran Ai-Lam Van Bach-Tuyet Nguyen Beverly Grant Reed C. Levin Chris Smith-Clark Diocese of Olympia Staff Eddie Reed Eva Agrawal John Riess Linda Slater Lutheran Comminity Services M.H. Slawinski Paul Kassen Sue Tait Margo Siegenthaler Terry Pile The Seattle Foundation Altar Guild of Diocese of Olympia Nadine Bagel D.&M. Thouless Richard Berley Patricia Marcus Daniel and Gayle McDougall-Treacy Edward Siegel Construction
and all the parents and children at the King Street Cooperative Preschool who, for the second time, organized a Holiday Gift and Toy Drive for the Refugee Resettlement Office kids.
Your support is greatly appreciated!!!